Poster Presentation - Nursing Education 2018

Antoinette Tall

Antoinette Tall

Title: May the Force Be with You to Prevent Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections


Sanjaykumar Dabhi

Sanjaykumar Dabhi

Title: An Exploratory Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis


Jun-Fen Wei

Jun-Fen Wei

Title: Using Multiple Strategies to Improve Rehabilitation Nursing Quality


Wu Yu Chang

Wu Yu Chang

Title: Reducing the Time from Entering Emergency Room to Trans-Arterial Embolization in Trauma Patients


Wan-Chen Yang

Wan-Chen Yang

Title: A Vast Correlation of Outdoor Temperature and Incidence of Adults Having Community-Onset Bacteremia in the Emergency Department


Agnes K. P. Mak

Agnes K. P. Mak

Title: Narrated experiences of nurse educator with high-fidelity simulation: alignment of nurse roles & inner most intent with simulation-based teaching in nursing


Yuri Wada

Yuri Wada

Title: The Perception of Nursing-students Concerning The Living Organ Transplantation


Charm Yee Chong

Charm Yee Chong

Title: Communication Approach Adopted by Nursing Students during Clinical Practicum
